I haven't gotten around to buying myself an AEG, the choice has gone from M4, G3, P90, and now I think I'm going for a SCAR-L or H (light or heavy, 5.56 or 7.62).
Pictured left is the VFC version in an ad showing various configurations, one configuration they could have shown, though, was the one featuring the FN EGLM (enhanced grenade launching mechanism or something like that) developed for the FN F2000. This grenade launcher is something of fucking amazingness, and easily slides off of the rail and stores by pulling on two release couplers. The thing has a push button release which unlocks the barrel/chamber which slides forward like an m203, but unlike an m203 it then twists to the right and makes loading/unloading easier. That is super duper mofoing sexiness.

My sidearm currently is a Hi-Capa wide body 1911 clone with a busted rear sear spring (gun works, but the grip safety doesnt, it still has a frame safety so I'm not heartbroken).
I have two choices;
- Buy another sidearm, which will most likely be a Marushin revolver, which would most likely get my ass kicked on the field because they only shoot six rounds. Why would I want one?
That should answer your fucking question.
- Upgrade my Hi-Capa to spec-ops style, non-tournament style shooting.
The Hi-Capa I own is based off of the design of race-guns used in professional target shooting. It is awful for combat. It is really nice because it has a 31 round mag, but not as nice because the grip is so uncomfortable and certain parts have a lot of play. Benifit is this; I followed rule one of buying a starter gun, I bought a Hi-Capa CLONE GUN. There are approximately 323,232,324,523,523 parts for the TM Hi-Capa series. I can get tactical slides, rails, chassis, grips, sights, the works. This will cost about the same as buying a new gun, but the gun here would be a true performance machine. This is most likely what I'll do but probably not for a while.
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